The First:
"According to the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin "thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms."This says to me that McCain is hurting to get the Pat Robertson people on board.
The Second:
"In fact, as Palin's cultural views become better known -- she oppose abortion in all cases and opposes the use of birth control pills and condoms even among married couples -- she will undoubtedly scare the hell out of the soccer moms and 98% of Hillary voters."It also scares the hell out of me. I don't care how pro-life you are, anyone with any sort of grasp on reality understands that taking away contraception is going to lead to staggering increases in the numbers of abortions, cases of preventable sexually transmitted diseases, and kids who end up leading shit lives because their parents weren't ready to have them. Family planning helps kids, helps parents, helps communities, and all the way on down the line.
The Third:
Nothing undersocres the riskiness of Sen. John McCain's pick of a running mate than this fact: "In an interview with Roll Call two weeks ago, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she had met presumptive GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain only once or twice."John McCain is risking his campaign on the blank page. He's taking the chance that his people can write an appealing story about Sarah Palin faster than Obama's people can point out how truly idiotic the choice was, and that two months isn't enough time for people to fully form an opinion on her, and they'll just take Mr. Straight Talk's word that she's qualified. Meanwhile, the honorable Senator hasn't even bothered to develop any sort of relationship with his running mate, and he's using her as a prop without regard to the fact that, should anything go awry for him, he'll be putting the country in the hands of someone who has neither an idea how to run the country, nor even a basic understanding of how a vast majority of Americans relate to their own bodies.
According to Politico, McCain "spoke with just once on the phone" with Palin "about the position before offering it in person earlier this week."
And to really drive the point home, here's a bonus for you, from a Politico article from last month:
"As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"This nomination is going from silly to scary in a hurry.