Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to good-ol' fashioned Bush-bashing

Fun with quotations:

"Big government is not the answer." George W. Bush, 4 August 2000, at the Republican National Convention.

"To create jobs, my plan will encourage investment and expansion by restraining federal spending, reducing regulation, and making the tax relief permanent." George W. Bush, 2 September 2004, at the Republican National Convention.

and yet...

"I am, one, pleased with the Secretary of the Treasury's decision; and two, believe that it will stabilize the markets, which is necessary at this point in time," Bush said in an interview with Fox News Channel to air on Tuesday morning.

"I wouldn't call it a bailout. I'd call it a stabilization," he said according to the transcript.

Reuters, 8 September 2008.

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