Monday, November 3, 2008

No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to vote!

For the last 20 months or so, the laser has been creeping up the table, ever so slowly. We've been watching in terror as it creeps up on us, knowing that we've spent the last eight years strapped helpless to the slab by a greedy lunatic, and that if we don't say exactly the right thing (Operation Grand Slam) as a nation, we're going to get that laser right where we don't want it. Tomorrow, we get to speak up, and as confident as we are that we're going to say the right thing, it's still no more comfortable watching our pants get singed.

Three recurring thoughts:
1) Let's get this over with.
2) There's virtually no chance Obama is going to lose. Why am I still so nervous?
3) What am I going to do on Thursday? Start getting nutty about cabinet appointments? Start counting the days until the party caucuses and committee assignments?

1 comment:

Rob L. said...

What are you going to do on Wednesday, Tim?