Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Pollster's Walk of Shame

  • Chris Matthews writes off Hillary Clinton's entire career as a sympathy vote based on Bill's philandering.

  • I think the early states are a bunch of assholes. I think they're deliberately going back and forth just so they can keep it close going into Super Tuesday, so that the media stays baffled long enough that they don't call the election 10 months before it happens. All in the name of "democracy" and "making sure everyone's votes matter. What a load of crap. Why do I think that the early states are doing this on purpose? Aside from the rampant speculation that Hillary won New Hampshire on the "spite for Iowa" vote, the SEIU in Nevada and the Nevada Culinary Union both just backed Obama (whose combined memberships are close to 80,000 potential voters). While I haven't seen any especially recent polling numbers for Nevada, this definitely puts the state in contention for Obama, while it used to be solidly Clinton.

  • The Obama campaign's take on their prospects, in a nutshell: they're well-organized in caucus states, their money is being well-spent in big states and the numbers appear to be closing, they're still pulling in healthy amounts of money, and they're expecting a lot of superdelegates to go their way.

  • As has been discussed, Giuliani's strategy is to ignore the early states where everyone hates him, and then come in and make a big play starting in Florida on January 29 and then power through on Super Tuesday. Of course, if he finishes in fourth place again in Florida, he's in a tough spot. I'm sorry, but I'm really enjoying watching him going down in flames.

  • Completely off-topic: Jay Reatard has signed to Matador. What the hell?

  • Re: asshole voters in Iran: uh-oh.

  • All of the coverage of Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism at Sadly, No has been entertaining, but today Bradrocket posted about the list of tags on its Amazon page, which is pants-wettingly funny. My personal favorites from the complete list are:
    • "ten pounds of crap in a five pound book"
    • "if Michelle Malkin is over your head"
    • "books written while high on cheeto dust"
    • "social security is like treblinka" (the winner)

1 comment:

Haskel(L)ove said...

But still your observation look terrible correct, at least from far (I'm in Italy)