Thursday, October 30, 2008

Liz Edwards and Grant Park

So, first things first. Every one of you, should you have an hour or so of time to be horrified, dazzled, and educated, should watch this discussion on health care between Elizabeth Edwards and Ezra Klein. Both of them are incredibly knowledgeable about the topic, and you will learn a lot. For example, the current foreclosure crisis? Half of the foreclosures happening in recent years are because of uncontrollable medical costs (also sourced here and here).

Also, I'm pleased to announce that on election night of this year, I'll be in Grant Park with several hundred thousand other people for the Obama rally* and hopefully victory celebration. I initially wasn't sure about this because A) Chicago gets cold this time of year and B) I've spent the last 14 months keeping an election blog, I feel like I should be there on election night. But the opportunity to be there with the Obamas on a night like that was too good to pass up. So Wyl's going to take over election night blogging (although I may ask him to kick in some updates that I may or may not be able to send from my web-enabled mobile device) and hopefully we'll all have good reason to call in sick on Wednesday morning.

*How could I turn down an opportunity to attend a Democratic event in Grant Park in an election year (ending in 8) that will be kept safe and orderly by Mayor Richard Daley's finest police officers? I'm sure nothing will go wrong. As Hizzoner (the original) said, "The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder."

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