Monday, September 24, 2007

  • Crooked and incompetent politicians sure are dedicated to their families.
  • "Thou shalt not nose around in your daughter's uterus." -- U.S. Constitution
  • In a desperate grasp for electoral votes, the GOP is pushing a referendum in California which would break down electoral votes by Congressional district, replacing the current winner-take-all system. Personally, I'd be fine seeing this happen in all 50 states. It's more representative, and it would prevent the "campaign only in the swing states" methodology which guarantees that after the primaries, no presidential candidate will set foot in Illinois or New York or Idaho or Texas.
  • Ron Paul is such an old man. Also, a self-proclaimed revolutionary. From this weekend's fundraising email:
    • "The end is nigh. Of the third quarter of 2007, that is! And I need your help to make sure that our campaign gets a big boost."
    • "As our opponents begin to falter, and the undecideds grow in strength, this is our time. When people learn about our ideas and our work for them, they join the Revolution. So my job is to make sure they learn!"
    • "But I can't do this job alone. I need you. Please, reach out your hand and clasp mine."
    • A 13-year-old said to me the other day, "Dr. Paul, you are the hope of my future." No, I told her, but this Revolution is. Will she grow up in a poorer, more socialist, more militarist, more oppressive country? Or the free country you and I love?
  • The Department of Homeland Security is spending your tax dollars keeping track of which Americans have read The DaVinci Code and a variety of Dean Koontz novels.
  • Just a reminder: spending tax dollars on embryonic stem cell research is wrong because it kills potential babies, even though it could potentially save millions of lives down the road. However, spending money to keep babies from dying of preventable diseases is also wrong, because we need to spend lots of money killing babies in Iraq.
  • Yep. The surge is working just fiiiine.
  • How to identify an insurgent:
    • Place a weapon or component of a potential weapon (plastic explosives, etc.) in a public area.
    • Watch the weapon or potential weapon very closely.
    • Shoot anyone who picks it up.
    • Weep for the future.
  • On Clinton as the front-runner: "Only Gore in '99 and Mondale in '83 were in this strong of a position in the last five contested Democratic contests." I could just cry.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is pretty much a dick.
  • Chertoff: "The American people have been loud and clear about their desire to see our nation’s immigration laws enforced." And of course, by "enforced," he means "dramatically overhauled because this nation's immigration laws are ineffective and pointless."
In conclusion, I really wish more high-ranking, high-profile government officials would keep blogs.

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