Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All hail Overlord Kinky!


The Wire:
  • Holy Crap! Chuck Schumer takes the quiet route.
  • Larry Craig is gone, and I am happy. I think he absolutely deserved to be chased out of office for his egregious behavior. However, by "egregious behavior," I'm talking about his Congressional voting record, while the people who chased him out are talking about his desire to have sex.
  • KINKY FRIEDMAN IS RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR AGAIN. And even better, this time he's doing it as a Democrat. Of course, I fully expect that all of you will be emptying your pockets to put this man in his due place of honor on the political stage. The only thing disappointing about this announcement is that the Kinkster isn't running for President of Earth.
  • Awesome though he may be, Bill Richardson occasionally says ridiculous things.
The Trail:
  • I'm sorry, jokes about Dick Cheney shooting a guy in the face are still funny as hell.
  • Fred Thompson is a waste of time, energy, and money for the GOP. I look forward to saying "I told you so" when he ends up borrowing line's from Joe Lieberman's 2004 speech in Iowa getting excited about being in a 3-way tie for third place. When the pundits are talking about a guy from Tennessee being edged out of South Carolina delegates by a former mayor of New York, and when you have to worry about Mike Huckabee stealing your thunder, you are in Trouble with a capital T.
  • I move that we act to replace 75% of the political reporting community with snotty high school kids.
The Swamp:
Before I finish this entry, there's something I really, really want you to think about. There is this popular strategy for getting people in power to change their minds. When one world leader doesn't like something another world leader is doing, the first world leader gathers up a bunch of young guys who don't deserve to die to put their lives on the line so they can try to kill a group of young guys who don't deserve to die mustered by the second world leader. Lots of people die, and whoever loses is supposed to be proven wrong. But mainly what just happens is a lot of resentment, and sometimes, that leads to yet more people who don't deserve to die being killed. Some of the people who are killed may have really gotten what was coming to them, but a lot were just there because they felt it was their duty. A lot of really useful things get blown up in the process, and everything just sucks. This strategy is called a war, and it's dumb, and it doesn't accomplish anything. Please explain this to your fellow Americans before it happens again.


Anonymous said...

The dreaded Kiss of Putin.

Anonymous said...

After reading that the Iraqi security forces are watching cartoons while on post I see no one has attempted to correct that infuriating behavior since I was there three years ago and working with them.