Monday, August 27, 2007

Before & After Science

  • Canada has better looking architecture for housing their waste material than we have for housing our people. But then again, if you trust Carol Reed, so did post-war Vienna.
  • While the courts of the United States operate under a principle of "innocent until proven guilty," the court of public opinion is not so forgiving. As someone who has issued some pithy and unsympathetic farewells to un-convicted criminals recently, John Edwards should know this. That's why he should probably give back money to the guy who was (allegedly) illegally channeling money into his campaign without waiting for the conviction, especially if he's going to have his spokespeople talking about their "compliance with the law, FEC regulations and our own high ethical standards." It's not enough just to be good, you have to look squeaky clean.
  • I should state for the record that I have been to Texas twice and on both occasions found the locals charming, friendly, hospitable, and certainly no more ape-like than residents of any other part of the world. However, the reports I get about it always seem to contradict my experience, because Bill Nye (The Science Guy) got heckled for suggesting that the moon doesn't generate light, but rather reflects it. With attitudes like that, I'm amazed that the Johnson Space Center in Houston hasn't been razed by angry townies.

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