Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Don Knotts vs. The Crips

[John] Edwards, who has made poverty and rebuilding New Orleans major parts of his presidential campaign, also unveiled a 6-point plan to help the city and also unveiled a proposal for a "Brownie's Law" named after former Federal Emergency Management chief Mike Brown, largely blamed for botching the 2005 hurricane response. Edwards' proposal would require appointees to be qualified for their jobs, the campaign said.
  • The Swamp breaks down potential Attorney General nominees, including one hilarious long-shot. How funny would it be if the man who convicted Scooter Libby got a promotion?
  • If you think the war in Iraq only has repercussions on the other side of the world, think again. Cops aren't getting weapons training because the departments can't get enough ammunition.
  • Oh man. A look at "The Singing Senators." One of them left the party, one of them was stripped of his leadership post for making statements construed as racist, one of them pleaded guilty of being horny and in the closet, and one of them was once considered the most diabolical attorney general in recent history.

*You know, I get accused of maligning the Republicans for this sort of stuff and ignoring the fact that the Democrats aren't exactly squeaky clean. I acknowledge that the Democrats have their problems too, but I honestly feel like the GOP seems to be where people go to vent their sexuality in inappropriate ways. The first sex scandal I remember in Washington was Bob Packwood, and with the exception of the Clinton thing, they always seem to be Republicans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I try not to accuse you of painting the Republicans one way and the Democrats another. I just try to make sure both sides are represented equally.


Gary Condit's suspicious actions got buried post-9/11, but the Chandra Levy case remains unsolved. I'd personally like to know what Condit's involvement was.

More infamous is a Congressman from your home state, Mel Reynolds. I'm legitimately surprised you've forgotten this guy, since he ran for his old seat in Congress in 2004 Democratic primary against Jesse Jackson, Jr. This was after he'd been convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography nine years earlier, for which he lost his seat in Congress. While still in prison, he was convicted again, this time for 15 counts of bank fraud and lying to SEC investigators (obviously unrelated to the kiddie porn and his sexual relationship with a 16 year old campaign volunteer). President Clinton commuted Reynolds' sentence for the fraud charges in 2001.