Friday, August 31, 2007

What do Republicans and R Kelly have in common?

Inconsequential news first, as I'm still waking up. I inexplicably felt the need to stay up until 3 a.m. last night watching "Trapped in a Closet" and "Blades of Glory," so I need to kill time until my brain stops hiding in the corner and hissing at me any time I approach it.

  • Drowned in Sound announces that Marc Bolan lost his virginity at age 9, then goes on to ask the question that no one in the "legitimate" news, the "MSM," has the balls to ask: "If you could have sex in any decade, which one would it be, and why?"
  • I know people who would do this.

And now, current events.
I can't handle any more news today. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Until then, please enjoy fluff.

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