Monday, February 18, 2008


I'm not even going to get into the NIU shootings, because it's unbelievably screwed up, and people who I've been very close to for the better half of my life were put in mortal danger because some guy can't deal. I'm cranky about a good many things today that I'm not going to mention, but knowing that less than a few days ago bullets were flying through a classroom does not make things any better.

In brief:
Hilarious Publicity Stunt of the Week:
Indignant that the Democrats were going to pass an update to the Protect America Act that didn't include retroactive immunity for telecom companies who illegally surrendered information to intelligence agencies, House Republicans staged a walk-out that subsequently interrupted the memorial service for the recently deceased Representative Tom Lantos. So convinced were they that this bill was vital to our protection from the terrorist threat and our continued survival as a nation that they . . . let the bill lapse. Because it didn't protect large corporations who broke the law on behalf of the President. The nation is still standing, ladies and Gentleman. Democracy prevails.

John McCain and the Bullshit Express:
Despite my numerous disagreements with John McCain on a wide variety of issues, I had given him credit for at least being an honorable man, and for being less insane than a lot of Republicans. This week, I've written him off completely. Why?

Important Quote of the Day #1:
"Rather than punish Solis Doyle or raise questions about her fitness to lead, Clinton chose her to manage the presidential campaign for reasons that should now be obvious: above all, Clinton prizes loyalty and discipline, and Solis Doyle demonstrated both traits, if little else. This suggests to me that for all the emphasis Clinton has placed on executive leadership in this campaign, her own approach is a lot closer to the current president’s than her supporters might like to admit." -- Josh Green

Important Quote of the Day #2:
"In the go-go world, where we eat standing up and are always on the run, looking to save time and do more, more, more in less time, can we agree to this: Let's start saying FEMA instead of SNAFU or FUBAR. We save a letter in each case, and it's clear that the one acronym will do the work of the two other words." -- Nick Gillespie, closing an article about toxic formaldehyde fumes in 35,000 FEMA trailers in the gulf coast.

Important Quote of the Day #3:
"On Monday, General Petraeus -- the unfailing font of wisdom who Must Be Listened To At All Times -- praised Syria for its enhanced cooperation with our forces in Iraq. Naturally, yesterday Bush issued some new anti-Syrian sanctions tied to Syria's lack of cooperation with our efforts in Iraq." -- Matthew Yglesias

Unsolicited Prediction:
After Barack Obama wins Wisconsin tomorrow, Hillary's margins in the remaining states will slowly start fading when Democrats around the country decide that while they do like both candidates, they just want this thing to be over. Election fever has passed, and now it's just election chest congestion. Texas and Ohio will serve as a political expectorant, and Hillary can return to being a rich, influential, and powerful Senator.

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