Friday, September 7, 2007

If it's Friday, it must be a slow news day

I opened my email this morning to discover an email from James Carville at the DSCC, with a link to their new voter-chosen official bumper sticker slogan for the 2008 elections. I learned two things from this link.
  1. I had to click on a link to see a video about a bumper sticker slogan. That is such a waste of resources. They couldn't have just sent out a jpg? Someone needs to lose their job over that.
  2. The slogan is "Sorry W, I'm the decider." The fact that, out of 10,000+ submissions, this slogan was chosen by Democratic voters as the best indicates to me that the Democrats are incapable of handling their own rhetoric, too dumb to choose their own nominees in a presidential primary, and possibly not even smart or creative enough to run the country. Unfortunately for the world, they're still better than the League of Thieves and Sex Criminals GOP.
In other news,

1 comment:

Richard said...

This is the first time I have appeared on this scene, having arrived because I Google Dan Froomkin. So, obviously, I agree with you on that matter.

I must say, however, that calling for some staffer's head at Democracy hqs. for providing a link rather than a jpg is a wee bit harsh. I know that I certainly would not like to work for you. I generally screw something up before the first morning coffee break. And, since you are on email terms with James, the lion of looseyanne, Carville you must have given him a pass for marrying the wicked witch of the GOP.

Golly gee, it just seems to me that providing a link rather than a jpg falls somewhat south of the heinousity (it's in my dictionary. Of course, my dictionary is a bit like Wikipedia in that I constantly add and subtract at will) of Carville's folly.

One might visit this scene again in the near future and, hopefully, find an author that might show more tolerance for the screw-ups of the blogosphere.