Friday, September 14, 2007

Revenge of the 90's

  • Some people are suggesting that the surge is ending next summer not because it has accomplished anything, but because we are incapable of sustaining our troop levels beyond that. An anecdote: Two years ago, on a blisteringly hot summer day, two friends and I decided we would attend Chicago's Gay Pride parade. In the spirit of the revelry, we got some 20 oz. bottles of Coca-Cola, drank some, and mixed the rest with whiskey. However, between the heat and the thousands of bodies lining Halsted Street, we were all sweating quite a bit and noticed that we weren't actually getting a buzz from the booze, we were just going from sober to hungover. Determined, we headed inside an air-conditioned bar for a beer, but after one round, decided our hearts weren't in it. So we packed it in and went home, because we were all cranky and had headaches. By this time next year, 30,000 troops will be brought home tired and cranky, and lucky if all they have is a headache for the afternoon (presuming of course that they all survive). Well over 100,000 troops will be forced to stay in Iraq, which is far less pleasant than a dank but air-conditioned Lakeview pub. They'll try desperately to accomplish a positive outcome though we've already demonstrated that it just isn't going to happen.
  • Alberto Gonzalez leaves the Department of Justice today, with some choice words:
"We're all human and all of us make mistakes, and the thing that's important is to identify when those mistakes are made, acknowledge the mistakes, correct the mistakes and then you move on. So, you know, that's what I've endeavored to do as the attorney general."
  • Unfortunately, it seems Newt Gingrich will not run for president. I say "unfortunately" because I think he's easy to beat, and because he consistently provides really, really entertaining quotes. On the upside, this strikes a blow at the surging popularity of 90's rehashes (which I will universally condemn, with the exception of the awesome new Dinosaur Jr. album).
  • I sort of want Rudy Giuliani to win the primaries just so I can watch him get stomped in the general election. On the other hand, he scares the crap out of me.

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