Monday, September 24, 2007

Take a closer look...

We don't usually post pictures around here (at least not that I've noticed), but this particular one was too - something - to pass up.

I direct your attention to the picture below. It's the photo accompanying this post from The Swamp, and you should be able to see the disconnect in this version. It takes a little looking, so if you do need a larger photo, here it is.

Photo by Mark Silva, courtesy of The Swamp

What's notable here are two things:

One, Cheney's USAF plane is named after a paleo-conservative former Senator who probably would have whipped Dick Cheney across the backside with his cane several times if he still were alive.

Second, is "The Spirit of Strom Thurmond" really an appropriate name for an aircraft? Do we have a "Spirit of Jefferson Davis" in somewhere in the USAF? If so, I bet it was that B-52 Stratofortress with all the nukes that "accidentally" flew over the continental US.

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