Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Cubs still have a better chance of winning than the Republicans

  • Screw you, David Broder!
    The Cubs are still struggling to recover. It's a miracle they're in the playoffs. I do not expect another miracle to follow.

  • Jim Comey might be the only ethical person to have been employed at DoJ in the last seven years.

  • Dobson and his goons have formally decided to back a third party if neither major party candidate is pro-life. I wonder if Giuliani will take a hit in the polls because of this . . .

  • And we wonder why there's so much crap coming out of Hollywood.

  • Larry Craig remains guilty of wanting sex. He also remains guilty of pissing off GOP leadership in grand fashion by refusing to resign, despite two previous promises that he would.

  • Florida is suing the DNC and I couldn't be happier about it. For those just getting into this: Florida is trying to jump on the front-loading bandwagon by moving their primary up to January 29. In an attempt to stop the front-loading from getting completely ridiculous, the DNC decided to allow only four states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada) to have their primary proceedings before February 5. Everyone else will lose delegates. Florida is claiming that this violates their voting rights. My personal feeling is that stripping delegates absolutely does violate their voting rights, that it does comprise "geographic discrimination." I would also propose that cherry-picking any four states that get to go ahead of everyone else also constitutes geographic discrimination, because those states basically get to choose the nominee, so all the primaries should just be held on the same day, some time in March or April. The jockeying for position here has gotten too ridiculous, and it's taking time and energy away from the the battles that really need to be fought.

  • The nominees have been typecast: Barack Obama, the handsome and idealistic political wunderkind, is JFK, and Fred Thompson gets to be the prune-faced, Alzheimer's-afflicted not-actually-someone-who-is-fit-to-be-president-but-he-pretends-to-be-on-TV modern day Ronald Reagan.

  • Remember how I suggested yesterday that Mike Huckabee might be the candidate for a fundamentalist third party? Well, that idea went down in flames real fast. Now I guess my money's on Brownback.

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