Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Liveblogging: Conclusions.

Things I learned from last night's debate:
  1. Fred Thompson doesn't think we'll have a recession for at least ten years, even though he says that every economic downturn in recent memory has been preceded by a spike in gas prices. I don't know what it is everywhere else in the country, but here in Chicago, it's $3.50 a gallon to fill your tank with Wild Irish Rose and dog piss, so I'm getting ready for the recession.
  2. Taxing cigarettes encourages people to smoke cigarettes, not the other way around. I'm still trying to figure out McCain's logic on that.
  3. Nuts to Wayne Brady. "Is Mike Huckabee gonna have to choke a bitch" is the funniest nice-guy-pimp joke I can currently imagine.
  4. Nixon was right about Fred Dalton Thompson.
  5. For Tom Tancredo, every single problem can be traced back to illegal immigrants.
  6. There is something going on called a Doha Round. By demonstrating that he has heard of the Doha Round, and that he may or may not know what a Doha Round is, Mitt Romney has convinced a small handful of voters to vote for him based on the fact that he can show off how much smarter he is than them.
  7. Many Republicans probably wonder why the hell crazy anti-war, anti-Bush-economic-policy guy Ron Paul gets to stand on stage with guys like Mitt Romney and Fred Dalton Thompson and Rudy Giuliani. I wonder why assholes like Romney and dumbshits like Thompson and Giuliani get to stand on stage with Ron Paul.

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