Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Minnesota Update

If CNN is to be believed, Al Franken is about 1,000 votes ahead of Norm Coleman. However, CNN is about 28,000 total votes ahead of the Minnesota Secretary of State's website, which still has Coleman in the lead by just less than 12,000 votes.

However, some interesting data has emerged in the exit polling:

Votes for Dean Barkely by Sex:
-Men (47% of the electorate) - 14%
-Women (53% of the electorate) - 16%

Votes for Dean Barkley by Age:
-18-29 (22% of the electorate) - 14%
-30-44 (28% of the electorate) - 16%
-45-64 (37% of the electorate) - 15%
-64+ (13% of the electorate) - 16%

Not bad for a guy who had $56,763 compared to a (latest estimate) combined $50 million for his opponents.

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