Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This just in from the East Coast

Anna asked me to post this since she can't currently get on Blogger:

A persnickety alarm clock and some residual sleep in the eyes meant that I didn't leave the house as early as I had planned. The line was wrapped almost completely around the Catholic-church-rec-room-cum-polling-place, but the crowd was well-behaved. Nobody budged, nobody threw up their arms in frustration and left - they read silently (me), thumbed through the digital offerings of their mobile devices (my boyfriend), tending to infants in baby carriages (the lady in front of us), and so on. The wait was a bit over an hour, but I didn't care: I would've waited all damn day if I'd had to. It is no exaggeration to say that I was more excited to vote than I was most Christmas mornings as a small child. I've never voted in person in a presidential election, and have a head filled with all manner of notions about fulfilling one's civic duty, patriotic pride, so there is something almost romantic about the entire ritual. After a poll worker handed me one of the free-cup-of-coffee-free-scoop-of-ice-cream-ensuring 'I Voted/Yo Vote' stickers, my giddiness was barely contained.

I have nothing else interesting to write except noting that I realized over the weekend that Tim was the first person I knew to espouse the virtues of Barack Obama. Check out this conversation that we had over four years ago. Just let it be noted that Tim knows about all the cool bands and political candidates before everybody else.

[Tim adds: She's not necessarily right about that last part, but I like to pretend. That being said, check out Cheveu. They're pretty amazing.]

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